At the September 23rd Board of Education meeting, the Bunker Hill CUSD #8 School Board voted to move ahead in the timeline of implementing the Bunker Hill #8 Re-Start Plan originally developed by a large and diverse committee of parents, teachers, support staff, administrators, health department officials, and board members. Although the plan has been delayed due to a late summer surge in downstate Illinois and a couple of local outbreaks, the goal had never changed: in-person learning 5 days/week. The next two phases are as follows:
- Beginning on Monday, September 28 = All students in grades K-5 will return 5 days/week. Pre-K, Jr High and High School will remain on the hybrid/blended model. Instructional IEP students in all grades K-12 have the option to return 5 days week as well.
- Beginning on Monday, October 5 = All students in grades 6-8 will return 5 days/week.
- High School (grades 9-12) has a TENTATIVE return date of October 13. However, this is not guaranteed, and will be decided on October 7th after studying the impact of more students returning in the K-8 setting.
We are thrilled to soon see all our students in person, and thus far, our students have done an amazing job with social distancing, masks, and hand washing. Please encourage students to continue these habits for the foreseeable future, as our behavior both inside and outside of school is what will enable this model to continue safely.
Thank you to all parents and family members for your support, patience, and continued partnership during this difficult time. We are still in this together and will be for the duration of this situation.