Open Meetings Act Notice

Bunker Hill CUSD #8 Public Posting Regarding April Board Meeting

In light of Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order 2020-07, issued on March 16, 2020, the District will be temporarily changing the format of its Board of Education meetings, effective immediately. These format changes are consistent with Executive Order 2020-07 and CDC guidance. They are intended to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community.

The Open Meetings Act requires that a majority of a quorum be physically present at all meetings. However, Executive Order 2020-07 suspended this OMA requirement. Now, all Board members are permitted to participate in a Board meeting remotely - there is no minimum number of Board members who must physically be present at the meeting site. Executive Order 2020-07 further suspended the conditions the OMA places on when a Board member may participate in a meeting remotely. Consequently, while Executive Order 2020-07 is in effect, all Board members are permitted to participate in a Board meeting remotely, without question.

Therefore, consistent with these new rules, for the April Board Meeting the District will be permitting any Board member who wishes to participate in the Board of Education meetings remotely to do so.

Further, in accordance with Executive Order 2020-10 (the “Stay-at-Home Order”)’s prohibition on public gatherings of ten (10) or more people, and its limitation on individual’s leaving their home for purposes other than those deemed “essential,” we are encouraging the public not to attend the Board meetings in-person. Instead, all Board meetings will be streamed on the district’s Facebook page for the public to listen to.

This request is consistent with the directive in the Stay-at-Home Order limiting public gatherings to ten (10) people or less and prohibiting individuals from leaving their home for any purpose not deemed an “Essential Activity,” “Essential Government Function,” or the operation of an “Essential Business Operation,” as defined in the Order.

With regard to public comments, the Board will now be accepting public comments via either email or written submission. Each comment will be read out loud at the public meeting during the normal “public comment” portion of the meeting. Public comments can be submitted via email at We will continue to accept public comments in this medium until 6:30 PM the night of the meeting.

Please know, Bunker Hill CUSD #8 will remain dedicated to keeping the public fully apprised of all public business which takes place. Our website and social media platforms will continue to be updated with any new business or school news which comes about.

These changes will be in effect for the April board meeting date. If, per the Executive Order and the Stay-at-Home Order, these changes need to be continued for future meetings, we will make certain the public is promptly and adequately informed.

Finally, I want to thank you for your continued support of Bunker Hill CUSD #8, especially during this trying time. Our entire community has been impacted by this virus, and the District thanks you for your understanding as we try to work together as a community to combat the spread of COVID-19.